Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Seven Ways to Know She's Not Interested

Okay, so many guys have been talking to me about how they get constantly shut down, yet they do not know why?  So I'm going to give you these seven things as you all won't look like idiots.  Let's imagine that you're talking to a girl, and she happens to do any of these seven things...SHE'S NOT INTERESTED!! And if you continue to pursue, your heart will be pieces.  Let's Begin

1) She Complains That She's Tired

When we meet someone we might be interested in, our energy levels increase.  We get a second wind that lifts us up and makes us completely forget the fact that we are tired, hungover, or in a bad mood.  And even if we're feeling if any of those things, we do our best to hide it.  If a woman continues to point out that she's tired or in a bad mood, it's probably her way of hinting to you that she doesn't want to keep talking to you....DUH!!!

2) She never asks you for your name

Here is a rule of thumb, if a woman is interested in you at some point, she'll ask for your name.   Simple as that.  Clear as the perfect diamond cut.  Women are conscious of avoiding awkward situations as much as possible, and if she is really interested in you, the last thing she wants to do is get into a situation where she's in your bed yet forgets your name.  Because of this, if a woman is hoping to talk to you for a while, she'll go out of her way to get your name.

If it's more than 10 minutes and she didn't ask for your name and you still think she's interested....YOUR A DUMBASS!!  Also it's a pretty good sign that she wants the conversation you two are having to be over.

3) She Brings Her Boyfriend Up Soon Into The Conversation

A lot of us guys think this is quite obvious....but it's actually not.  If a girl enjoys your company, she will keep the fact that she has a boyfriend out of the conversation as long as humanely possible. 

I mean let's face it, if the girl waits until you go for the kiss or until you asked for her number to tell you she has a boyfriend or another guy in mind, she probably liked you too much to admit that she had a boyfriend sooner.  But if she brings up her boyfriend early in the conversation,  it's her way of letting you know that nothing is going to go down.  So stop wasting your time....PLEASE!!!

4) She TRIES NOT to make eye contact

Now remember when I said that eye contact was one of the keys to getting laid at a college party?  Well for all of you idiots who said that it didn't work the last time, because she wasn't trying to look at you...or make eye contact,'s both of these reasons:
You gave a BORING SPEECH instead of making GREAT CONVERSATION causing her to...

So a woman who is deliberately avoiding eye contact is doing everything in her power to prevent you from continuing to talk to her.  She is basically saying to you either one of these things

Sweet and Innocent:  "I refuse to give you permission to continue."

Bitchy and Real:  "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!"

5) She Has Closed Off Body Language

If a girl is actually interested in you, she'll actually open up.  If not and you still think she's interested, or you're FORCING the issue, you cause an AWKWARD SITUATION.  Similar to trying to not keep eye contact, displaying closed off body language is another way to say "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!"

6)  She Gives One Word Answers

 It's acceptable when a girl gives short answers in the beginning of the conversation.  However, if she gives you more short answers 10 minutes in the conversation, BACK AWAY!!  If she wants to continue the conversation, she would actually participate in the conversation to keep you from leaving.  However, after 10 minutes and she is not offering anything to the conversation, you might as well move on to the next one. 

 7) She Is Giving Her Friend the "HELP ME" Eyes

  Women have a way of communicating "help me" to their friends.  Many of them are pretty blatant about begging to be saved.  However, it amazes me how so many men miss these hints.  If your target is one of a group of females, look for blatant and subtle signs they are giving each other.  If they start to rolling their eyes or give the "help me" eyes as demonstrated here, move on my friend. 

Now go out there and don't get screwed and heartbroken because you CAN'T TAKE A HINT!!